The Fool’s Crown: A Regime Too Stupid to Know It’s Doomed
The great irony of authoritarians is that they believe they are securing power while laying the groundwork for their own destruction. The administration’s latest move—plastering the image of Trump crowned as king across official channels—demonstrates not just its contempt for democracy, but its complete ignorance of history. They aren’t even subtle. The administration isn’t using dog whistles or quiet subversions. They are screaming their delusions of monarchy from the rooftops , convinced that if they say it loudly enough, people will believe it’s true . But power does not come from slogans, nor does legitimacy come from self-congratulation. What we are witnessing is a regime so enthralled with its own myth that it mistakes its fantasies for reality —the same mistake that has doomed despots for over a century . Two images expose the full depth of this madness. The first, an official White House post, presents Trump in oil-paint grandeur, smug beneath a golden crown , the words “LONG L...